Keratin Bonded Hair Extensions

The process of strand by strand keratin bonded hair extensions is the most customizable process. Our bonds are 100% keratin bonds and she hair extensions are ethically sourced from Naples Italy. This process takes anywhere from 1 hour up to 3 hours depending on the style you are trying to achieve. They can be used to add volume modestly through out fine hair, the keratin bonded process is also used in another service to achieve length and volume. This is truly the most customizable and most discreet way of installing hair extensions. Keratin bonded hair extensions is the method recommended for fine hair, thinning hair or any type of reconstructive work. They last anywhere from three to six months. Keratin bonded hair extensions is typically what is used by professionals who are working with celebrity clientele base as it is considered a luxury hair extension service. 

Tape In Hair extensions

She Hair Extensions also has a form of hair extensions utilizing a keratin adhesive to place with in the hair. This process is a fairly quick installation that can be used to create volume and length. The tape in method hair extensions are reusable. After a removal process at eight to twelve weeks you can reinstall the same hair extensions you purchased prior to the appointment.

combline & V light reconstruction

This method is a seamless application of hair extensions that can be applied to the top thinning areas of the head. Thinning hair lines, and bang areas is where combline is suggested. This process can also be used to treat aleopecia patients needs.

Hair Extension Removal

Removing our She Hair Extensions is a very simple process. A specific tool and product applied with its main ingredient being sodium hydroxide allows the stylist to remove the products safely and efficiently.

hair extension home maintence

Maintenance is very simple when you use she hair extensions. You will be given a specific brush, shampoo and conditioner to maintain the longevity of the hair extension application. It is recommended that you maintain your extensions by going in for an 8 to 12 week maintenance visit with your stylist to ensure your extensions are continuously flawless. Please reach out to your stylist at any point if you have questions on how to maintain your hair extensions.